Required Cookies

Definition & Meaning:

Required Cookies, also known as necessary or essential cookies, are cookies that are absolutely necessary for a website to function properly.

These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, without which the website cannot operate as intended.

For example, required cookies might be used to manage user sessions, enable secure log-ins, and ensure the smooth operation of the checkout process in online stores.

Unlike other types of cookies that can be declined by users, such as those used for marketing or analytics, required cookies do not require user consent.

This is because they do not collect or store any personal information that could be used to identify you without your explicit consent.

Their sole purpose is to provide services you have explicitly requested, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or filling out forms.

In the context of online privacy laws like the GDPR in the European Union or the CCPA in California, the distinction between required cookies and other types of cookies is significant.

While laws require websites to obtain user consent before installing most cookies, required cookies are an exception due to their essential role in ensuring the functionality and security of websites.

It’s important for you to be aware that while you cannot opt out of required cookies if you want to use a particular website, you should still be informed about their use.

Websites are obligated to disclose the use of required cookies in their privacy policies, explaining what the cookies are for and why they are essential.