Do Not Track

Definition & Meaning:

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy setting that allows users to express their preference regarding online tracking and behavioral targeting.

When enabled, it sends a signal from a user’s web browser to websites and online services indicating that the user does not wish to be tracked.

However, DNT is a voluntary mechanism, and its effectiveness relies on websites and online services respecting the user’s preference.

Implementing a Do Not Track policy on your website can demonstrate your commitment to user privacy and transparency.

You can explain in your privacy policy how your website responds to DNT signals and whether you honor them by refraining from tracking user activities for advertising or other purposes.

Providing clear information about your DNT practices helps users make informed decisions about their online privacy. It’s important to note that while some websites and online services may respect DNT signals, others may choose to ignore them.

Additionally, there is no universal standard for interpreting DNT signals, leading to inconsistency in how they are implemented across different platforms and jurisdictions.

As a result, relying solely on DNT as a privacy protection measure may not provide comprehensive coverage.

For example, if a user visits your website and has DNT enabled in their browser settings, you may choose to respect their preference by refraining from collecting data for targeted advertising or analytics purposes.

However, if your website relies on third-party services or advertisers that do not honor DNT signals, the user’s data may still be collected and used by these parties.

In your privacy policy, you can explain how users can enable or disable DNT in their web browser settings and provide information about the implications of doing so.

Additionally, you may want to disclose any third-party services or tracking technologies used on your website and how they handle DNT signals.

This transparency helps build trust with your users and demonstrates your commitment to protecting their privacy.