Cookie Manager

Definition & Meaning:

A Cookie Manager is a tool or software that helps you control how cookies are used on your website. These are small text files that websites place on a visitor’s device to store data about their visit.

This data can include preferences, session information, and tracking details that enhance the user experience or collect analytics.

The Cookie Manager enables you to manage these cookies’ consent, deployment, and storage in compliance with privacy laws like the GDPR in Europe or the CCPA in California.

With a Cookie Manager, you can categorize cookies based on their purpose, such as necessary, functional, analytics, and advertising cookies. For example, necessary cookies are essential for your website’s operation, allowing users to navigate and use its features.

Analytics cookies, on the other hand, help you understand how visitors interact with your site, providing insights for improvements. One of the key functions of a Cookie Manager is to provide visitors with the option to accept or reject cookies.

When someone visits your website, a cookie consent banner appears, explaining the cookies used and allowing the visitor to make informed choices about their privacy. This ensures that you respect user consent and comply with legal requirements.

Moreover, a Cookie Manager can automatically block cookies until the visitor has given explicit consent, enhancing privacy protection. It also keeps records of consent as evidence of compliance with privacy regulations.

For instance, if you operate an online store, a Cookie Manager might use necessary cookies to remember items in a shopping cart, while analytics cookies track how customers interact with your products.

You can set the Cookie Manager to block advertising cookies until the user agrees, ensuring their experience is tailored to their preferences.