Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA)

Definition & Meaning:

The Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) is a state-level legislation enacted to regulate the collection, storage, use, and sharing of personal information by businesses operating in Connecticut.

It aims to enhance consumer privacy protections and ensure that individuals have control over their personal data.

The CTDPA imposes specific requirements on businesses regarding data privacy practices and mandates transparency and accountability in handling personal information.

For example, under the CTDPA, businesses are required to provide clear and accessible privacy notices to consumers, disclosing the types of personal information collected, the purposes for which it is used, and the categories of third parties with whom it is shared.

Additionally, businesses must implement reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of personal data and promptly notify affected individuals in the event of a data breach.

The CTDPA grants consumers certain rights over their personal information, such as the right to access, correct, and delete the data held by businesses.

It also prohibits businesses from discriminating against consumers who exercise their privacy rights, ensuring that individuals can freely exercise control over their personal data without facing adverse consequences.

Furthermore, the CTDPA imposes obligations on businesses to obtain consent from consumers before collecting or processing their personal information, especially sensitive data such as health information or biometric data.

This consent requirement underscores the importance of respecting individuals’ privacy preferences and ensuring that their data is used only for lawful and legitimate purposes.