Biometric Data

Definition & Meaning:

Biometric data refers to unique physical or behavioral characteristics that can be used for digital identification and access control. This includes fingerprints, facial patterns, voice or eye patterns, and even how you walk.

Biometric data is collected through devices and software that scan and store these characteristics to recognize an individual uniquely.

For example, aside from asking you to input your password, smartphones often use fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock it. Biometric data is increasingly used for various purposes, from airport security checks to personalized marketing.

Similarly, companies may use biometric data for secure access to buildings, confidential data, or computer systems.

This method of identification is considered more secure than traditional passwords or PINs because it is unique to the individual and difficult to replicate.

However, the use of biometric data raises privacy and security concerns. If this data is compromised, it cannot be easily changed like a password.

Therefore, entities that collect and use biometric data must ensure it is stored securely and protected against unauthorized access.

As technology advances, its applications are expanding, making its management and protection a significant aspect of digital privacy and security.