American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)

Definition & Meaning:

The American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) is a proposed legislation aimed at enhancing privacy and data protection for individuals in the United States.

It seeks to establish a comprehensive national standard for data privacy, taking over the patchwork of state laws with a unified federal framework.

Under the ADPPA, companies would be required to minimize the collection of personal data and obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting, processing, or sharing their personal information.

This means if you run a website, you might need to adjust how you gather and use visitor data, ensuring transparency and obtaining clear consent.
The Act also emphasizes the rights of individuals to access, correct, and delete their data held by businesses.

For example, if someone believes a website has inaccurate information about them, they can request corrections or complete deletion of their data.

Moreover, the ADPPA introduces measures against discriminatory practices in data processing.

This ensures that personal information cannot be used in a way that discriminates against individuals based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability.

Businesses that fail to comply with the ADPPA could face significant penalties. This serves as a deterrent against misuse of personal data and motivates companies to adopt stricter privacy measures.

For those involved in digital services, understanding the ADPPA is essential. It not only affects how you collect and manage user data but also how you design your privacy policies and interact with your users.